
Rhodes>Education>People>Susanna Knoetze

San Knoetze


Qualifications: BA (US); HDE (US); BA Honours (UNISA), Masters in Education (Rhodes

Email: s.knoetze@ru.ac.za

Office Tel Number: +27(0) 46 6223446

San Knoetze holds a MEd (RU) degree and the research topic of her thesis was “Investigating the practices of non-isiXhosa speaking teachers teaching mathematics to isiXhosa speaking 3rd graders through the medium of Afrikaans”. San taught Afrikaans First Additional Language at high school level for more than 20 years.

Teaching and learning

San is currently a Teaching Practice (TP) coordinator at the Rhodes bck体育app_bck体育官网下载-二维码平台 Education Department, responsible for the overall management of the TP programme and the PGCE FP, IP and FET TP programmes. San lectures English First Additional Language in the BEd Year 2 and PGCE IP courses as well as Language, Learning and Cognition in the PGCE FP course.


Last Modified: Tue, 17 Sep 2019 16:15:35 SAST