

VPN for Android

  1. Install the strongSwan VPN client for Android.
  2. Download and save the strongSwan Android client IKEv2 VPN profile to your device.
  3. Start the strongSwan app, press the menu button and choose "Import VPN profile".
  4. Navigate to the profile file.
  5. Enter your username (in the form g00a1234 or s0001234) and, optionally, your password (if you don't enter it at this stage, you'll be prompted when you connect).
  6. Press Import.
  7. When you'd like to connect, please select Rhodes bck体育app_bck体育官网下载-二维码平台 from the VPN list.

Last Modified: Tue, 18 Aug 2020 13:08:18 SAST