
Rhodes>Botany>Staff>Susi Vetter

Prof Susi Vetter

Associate Professor Susi Vetter 

Research profile

I am an ecologist with diverse interdisciplinary research interests, which include rangeland dynamics, land degradation, the cultural importance of biodiversity, the relationship between plant functional traits and vegetation processes, and the causes and impacts of woody encroachment. My current research focuses on processes of woody encroachment and thicket formation, and the functional ecology of the different woody species involved in these processes.


Recent publications:

Selected peer-reviewed articles

Ripley BS, Bopape TM, Vetter S. in press. A doubling of atmospheric CO2 mitigates the effects of severe drought and elevated ambient temperature on maize through the preservation of soil water. Annals of Botany

Hawkins, H-J, Mgwali, N, Vetter S. In press. Effects of short duration kraaling depend on initial condition in a mesic grassland. African Journal of Range & Forage Science

Vetter S. 2020. With power comes responsibility: A rangeland perspective on forest landscape restoration. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4, 549483

Vetter S, Goodall V, Alcock R. (2020) Effect of drought on livestock populations in Msinga, KwaZulu-Natal. African Journal of Range & Forage Science 37: 93-106

Lloyd KJ and Vetter S. 2019. Generalist trophic ecology in a changing habitat: The case of the four‐striped mouse in a woody‐encroached savannah. African Journal of Ecology 57: 371-381

Masterson, VA, Vetter, S, Chaigneau, T, Daw, TM, Selomane, O, Hamann, M, Wong, G, Melleg?rd, V, Cocks, ML, Teng?, M. (2019)  Revisiting human well-being and ecosystem services in dynamic social-ecological systems: Implications for stewardship and development. Global Sustainability 2: e8

Mer?on J, Vetter S, Teng? M, Cocks ML, Balvanera P, Rosell J. Ayala-Orozco B. 2019. From local landscapes to international policy: contributions of the biocultural paradigm to global sustainability. Global Sustainability 2: e7

Njwambe, A, Cocks, ML, and Vetter, S. (2019) Ekhayeni: rural-urban migration, belonging and landscapes of home in South Africa. Journal of Southern African Studies 45: 413-431

Wheeler, A, Knight, AT, Difford, M and Vetter, S. 2019. Ostrich farmer characteristics predict conservation opportunity. South African Journal of Science 115(3/4), Art. #5540

Cocks, ML, Vetter, S, and Wiersum, KF. (2018) From universal to local: perspectives on cultural landscape heritage in South Africa. International Journal of Heritage Studies 24: 35-52

Cocks, ML, Alexander, J, Mogano, LL and Vetter, S. (2016) Ways of belonging: Meanings of “nature” among Xhosa-speaking township residents in South Africa. Journal of Ethnobiology 36: 820-841

Hempson, G, Illius, AW, Hendricks HH, Bond, WJ, Vetter, S. (2015) Herbivore population regulation and resource heterogeneity in a stochastic environment. Ecology 96: 2170–2180

Vetter, S. (2013) Development and sustainable management of rangeland commons – aligning policy with the realities of South Africa’s rural landscape. African Journal of Range & Forage Science 30: 1-9 (invited position paper for a special issue “Aligning policy with the socio-ecological dynamics of rangeland commons”).

Selected popular articles

Vetter S. 2020. The long shadow of colonial forestry is a threat to grasslands and savannas. The Conversation, 30 December 2020.

Vetter S, Cocks ML. 2018. How access to nature improves wellbeing. ReThink (online magazine of the Stockholm Resilience Centre), May 2018


Postgraduate students (* denotes I am/was co-supervisor)


PhD: Nozuko Ngqiyaza, MSc: Rachel Putzier*


MSc: Rhys Nell, Nompendulo Mgwali, Emma Mostert*


MSc: Marina Khoza, Tebadi Bopape*, Lavinia Perumal*, Chrisna Klopper, Nozuko Ngqiyaza, Gareth McAlister*, Anita Wheeler, Imogen Duncan, Michael Nang’alelwa, Carin Swart

PhD: Carin Swart*, Sivuyisiwe Situngu*, Martha Konje


Last Modified: Fri, 20 Oct 2023 09:13:47 SAST