

Once again, this year Drostdy Hall partnered with Noncedo Pre-School.   The goals for the year were:

  1. School readiness
  2. Gardening
  3. Painting
Fundraising - clothing sale & Pick n’ Pay trolley drive

In the first semester we fundraised by having a clothes, brownies and cupcake sales.

On the 21st of July, student volunteers and Community Engagement Reps went to Pick n’Pay to ask for donations.

All this money was used to fund events and goals.

All the goals set were achieved:

This was the first goal achieved and it was done by the teachers and parents from Noncedo. It has provided the school with a lot of produce that they use to cook meals for the kids. Drostdy students were asked to help maintain the garden.


Painting the school started last year, so this year we finished the parts that were not done, and added some cartoon characters to make the school look more attractive. Students from all the Drostdy residences volunteered, including the postgrad res, Celeste house.

School readiness

This goal simply meant the day-to-day activities of the school. The students went weekly to volunteer with teaching, feeding (during lunch), and playing with the kids. The school’s daily programme was sent to the different house groups so that the Drostdy students knew exactly what was happening at the different times each day. Part of this was also printing new posters for the school, and any other materials they needed. The Community Engagement Reps had hoped to have school readiness study packs done for the kids but unfortunately this did not happen. Hopefully next year, the students will take this idea and see it through.

Internal Res initiatives this year included clothing, stationery, toiletry & noodle drives.

CE - clothing saleCE - Noncedo Garden 2CE - Noncedo Garden 1CE - 1CE - 2


Last Modified: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 14:53:46 SAST